Assessments for Selection or Development

“When you know yourself, it is the beginning of all wisdom.” -- Aristotle 

Hiring mistakes not only lead to diminished productivity and performance, they can also be quite costly from a financial perspective. Assessments integrated into your selection process will greatly enhance your effectiveness at determining whether or not potential hires possess the skills and competencies needed to succeed in the role, as well as be a good fit for your organization. In addition, we can assess candidates for their potential for advancement.


As most positions require a person to demonstrate a variety of skills, abilities, and characteristics, we believe candidates should be assessed in a multitude of areas. Whether hiring significant contributors, mid-level managers, or C-suite executives, it is critical to gauge aspects such as a candidate’s problem- solving abilities, interpersonal skills, work habits, and motivations, as well as potential derailers and risk factors. For management positions, we also assess a candidate’s approach to accomplishing objectives and achieving results through others.

For each client, we strive to customize our approach to easily integrate assessments into the selection process. Nonetheless, for most assessments, we provide clients with a clear and concise written summary regarding a candidate’s strengths, developmental needs, and potential to succeed in the position, as well as a thorough verbal debrief to ensure they fully understand how likely a candidate is to succeed in the role and fit with the organization’s culture.

When assessments are used for development, they can help accelerate an employee’s personal and professional growth by providing them with greater insight into their strengths so as to ensure they are fully leveraging off them to succeed in the present and the future. Moreover, assessments provide them with greater awareness of their developmental opportunities or shortcomings which need to be addressed. Specific action plans for development can then be created with the employee to make sure they are moving in the right direction and focusing on the most critical developmental priorities. Ultimately, assessments will increase their potential to thrive and grow within the organization.

Looking to improve your hiring process? IncitePERFORMANCE is here to help.